Educational Development Principles

Implicit Streaming

Implicit Streaming attempts to provide multiple pathways through a subject, so that students can choose at what level they wish to work at. Supportive resources and deconstruction of terminology are provided as foundations to the expected outcomes, while for students who feel confident and competent, extension resources are provided to engage interest-based learning principles. This was first implemented in 2021 in BMS134, and fully realised in BMS129&130 (Physiological Sciences 1&2) in 2022. 

Design Principles and Improving Communication

My work is constantly under a process of continual improvement using the schema shown. 

Clear and explicit communication

An example (shown to the left) of managing expectations professionally within the educational setting of higher education during lockdown (2020)

Design Principles for Learning

The example of work to the left was a collaborative project with a Sydney-based piano teacher. My role was to create and layout the musical notation and associated piano finger placement (not shown due to copyright). This project, begun in 2012 clarified the importance of clear communication and graphic design principles for learning, and began the journey towards an understanding of inclusive educational design principles.